Still working on today's card, check back later!
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MLB Money Lines (+3832) 907-687 L1594 57%
Top Football Sides (+2424) 348-294 L642 54%
NHL Totals (+2387) 105-75 L180 58%
NBA Sides (+1724) 40-20 L60 67%
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All Sports Totals (+1490) 352-308 L660 53%
Basketball Totals (+1297) 104-83 L187 56%
NCAA-B Picks (+713) 17-9 L26 65%
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Michael is coming off a MONSTER MLB season last year making his $1,000 players OVER $66,000 and is primed to have yet another MONEY MAKING season this year! Join him this season and put a lot of MONEY in your pocket! "Guys, don't miss out on the chance to make MONEY at this LOW price as it goes up on the first pitch of the regular season!"